21 years old backpack carrier was shot dead by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

15:07 - 3 October 2016
Kurdpa Agency: As a result of gunfire, opened by the Revolutionary guard a young backpack carrier was killed in Baneh border region.

According to Kurdpa News Agency an armed forces opened gunfire and killed a young backpack carrier named Mehdi Rahimzadeh son of Ahmad. This incident took place in Choman Village of Baneh region.

He lost his life a few hours ago before arriving in Medical Centre in Baneh.

Kurdpa reporter said that Revolutionary Guard ambushed a group of backpack carrier in the above mention border region village and shot gunfire on them. A backpack carrier victim is from Abul-hasan village.

Last Thursday the Revolutionary Guard opened gunfire on some Kurdish businessman in Paweh. In this incident two young men were severely wounded.

Every year hundreds of backpack carriers lose their lives in Iranian Kurdistan border region. Vast majority of them are the target of Iranian Islamic government armed forces. Majority of backpack carrier victims are from Mariwan, Sardasht, Oshnavieh, Baneh, Piranshahr, Nousod and jawanroud.