Statement of Human Rights Organizations Condemning Death Sentences and Supporting Varisheh Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi

In the name of life, in the name of humanity, in the name of beauty.
These words begin a letter written by Varisheh Moradi, a political prisoner and one of thousands of courageous Kurdish women, from Evin Prison. Words that once again echo the voices of women in Iran and Kurdistan who, with bravery and steadfastness, stand against oppressive systems, risking their lives as shields. This statement is their voice and a response to their call.
Since the start of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" uprising, the Islamic Republic has unleashed a new wave of executions aimed at instilling fear and terror. This time, the suppression of women and the Kurdish people—two key pillars of the resistance—has become the central focus of this repressive system. In this new era, brave men and women like Varisheh Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi have been sentenced to death without fair trials and based on unjust and fabricated charges.
Today, Varisheh Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi, two Kurdish women who have represented years of struggle against the systemic oppression of the Islamic Republic, face the imminent threat of execution. As human rights organizations, we emphasize the significance of fighting to stop these executions and remind Iranian society and all freedom seekers that this regime views women merely as tools to enforce patriarchal power and sees those who resist as a profound threat.
We also remind the world that the Islamic Republic will never be able to balance its external political crises by victimizing the resistant society of Iran and Kurdistan. As Varisheh Moradi mentions in her letter from the women’s ward of Evin Prison, referencing the state of the Middle East and Iran:
"The fire of war has engulfed the Middle East, and we must not allow the massacres of the 1980s to be repeated alongside cross-border wars."
This statement serves as a historical warning about the interconnection of regional crises with domestic repression and highlights the complex and catastrophic dimensions of Iran’s current situation. It is a place where internal suppression and militaristic policies are simultaneously employed to maintain power and perpetuate the regime’s dominance.
Violation of Basic Rights and Forced Confessions
In the cases of Varisheh Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi, as with many other political prisoners, the right to a fair trial has been repeatedly violated. These courageous women have not only been denied access to legal counsel but have also been subjected to severe pressures and inhumane torture to extract forced confessions.
As human rights organizations, we strongly oppose these inhumane practices and commit to using all available resources to seek justice for these two brave women.
The Need for Global Action and Public Solidarity
Today, the voices of Varisheh Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi resonate far beyond Kurdistan or Iran. These two women symbolize the historical resistance and struggle of women who, despite all threats and dangers, persist in their fight for the right to life and freedom. Their call to the world’s public opinion is an invitation to stand in solidarity with all women living under the shadow of oppression and discrimination.
As human rights and civil organizations, we demand the immediate annulment of the death sentences for Varisheh Moradi, Pakhshan Azizi, and all political prisoners. These women, with their determination and bravery, have ushered in a new chapter of the fight for freedom and equality, and these executions will undoubtedly have severe consequences for the Islamic Republic. Every drop of these women’s blood will leave an unforgettable wound on the oppressive regime and serve as renewed motivation for the resistant society of Iran.
"In this ruthless and inhumane prison, our humanity flourishes even more, and womanhood has proven its strength and humanity, emerging proud and triumphant."
Updated List of Organizations:
Kurdistan Human Rights Association - Geneva (KMMK-G): جمعیت حقوق بشر کوردستان - ژنو
International Educational Development (IED): توسعه آموزشی بینالمللی
Defenders of Human Rights Center (Shirin Ebadi): کانون مدافعان حقوق بشر
PEN America: انجمن قلم آمریکا
Kurdistan Human Rights Network: شبکه حقوق بشر کوردستان
Ahwaz Human Rights Organization (AHRO): سازمان حقوق بشر اهواز
Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM): همبستگی علیه مجازات اعدام
Baloch Activists Campaign: کمپین فعالان بلوچ
Rasank: رسانک
Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran: بنیاد عبدالرحمن برومند برای حقوق بشر در ایران
All Human Rights for All in Iran: حقوق بشر برای همه در ایران
Siamak Pourzand Foundation (SPF): بنیاد سیامک پورزند
Balochistan Human Rights Group: گروه حقوق بشر بلوچستان
Iran Human Rights: حقوق بشر ایران
Mehrangiz Kar: مهرانگیز کار
Association for the Human Rights of the Azerbaijani People in Iran (AHRAZ): نهاد حقوق بشر مردم آذربایجان در ایران
Kurdpa: کردپا
United for Iran (U4I): سازمان اتحاد برای ایران
Iran Prison Atlas (IPA): اطلس زندانهای ایران
Impact Iran