Bapir Barzeh was sent to Naghdeh prison for the execution of his prison sentence

On Saturday, January 13, Bapir Barzeh, a political prisoner from the village of "Chiyaneh" in Piranshahr, after referring to the first branch of the criminal court of the public and revolutionary court of Piranshahr for the execution of his prison sentence, was sent to Naghdeh prison.
This Kurdish citizen was sentenced to three years of imprisonment by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court of Mahabad, presided over by Judge "Amir Ojaghlou", on charges of "acting against national security through membership in one of the Kurdish opposition parties of the Iranian government" and this verdict was officially announced to him.
In May 2023, Branch 102 of the Criminal Court of Piranshahr, presided over by Judge "Reza Ghorbani Saatloo", also sentenced Mr. Barzeh to one year of imprisonment on charges of "disrupting public order and tranquility by participating in a riot, chaos, disturbance along with norm-breaking in line with the goals of groups opposed to the system against national security".
On January 26, 2023, Bapir Barzeh was temporarily released from Naghdeh prison until the end of the judicial proceedings by depositing a bail.
This Kurdish citizen was transferred to one of the security detention centers in Urmia on December 2022, without presenting a judicial verdict and by resorting to violence by security forces for interrogation.
This political prisoner was deprived of access to a lawyer and meeting with his family during his detention.
On September 29, 2021, Bapir Barzeh was conditionally released from Naghdeh prison.