Sanandaj; Seiwan Ebrahimi, a Kurdish language teacher and board member of the cultural-social association "Nojin" went to prison to serve his sentence

On Saturday, December 30, Seiwan Ebrahimi, a Kurdish language teacher and board member of the cultural-social association "Nojin" went to Sanandaj prison to serve his sentence.
Seiwan Ebrahimi was sentenced in August of this year by Branch 106 of the Sanandaj Criminal Court to one year of imprisonment, exile to Diesel Abad prison in Kermanshah and 40 lashes for "disrupting public order" and on December 2, the sentence of ,imprisonment and lashes of this member of "Nojin" was confirmed by Branch 12 of the Kurdistan Province Court of Appeal and his exile sentence to Diesel Abad prison in Kermanshah was canceled and he had to spend his sentence in Sanandaj prison.
Also, Mr. Ebrahimi was sentenced by Branch 1 of the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, headed by Judge "Kermi", to 10 years of imprisonment for "forming groups and gangs to disruptg the country's security" and to one year of imprisonment for "propaganda against the system" and this verdict was officially notified to him on December 2.
The hearing of the charges against this civil activist was held on November 3 in Branch 1 of the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court.
On February 13, 2023, Seiwan Ebrahimi was temporarily released from detention until the end of the trial by depositing bail.
This Kurdish language teacher was deprived of access to a lawyer and meeting with his family during his detention.
OnJanuary 18, 2023, Mr. Ebrahimi was arrested by security forces without presenting a judicial order.
On January 3, 2023, Seiwan Ebrahimi was also arrested by security forces while following up on his wife Zahra Mohammadi's case in the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court and was released on January 5, 2023 by depositing bail.