Execution of four prisoners accused of "participating in intelligence cooperation and espionage in favor of Israel" in Urmia prison

On the morning of Friday, December 29, the death sentences of four prisoners accused of "participating in intelligence cooperation and espionage in favor of Israel" named "Vafa Hanareh, Aram Omari, Rahman Parhazoo and Nasim Namazi" were carried out in Urmia Central Prison.
According to an informed source, the bodies of these four prisoners have not been delivered to their families.
These four prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement in Urmia Central Prison on Thursday, December 28, for the execution of the verdict.
After the transfer of these four prisoners to solitary confinement, their families were able to meet with them.
During the past few days, Branch 39 of the Supreme Court of the country confirmed the death sentences of these four prisoners from Urmia and overturned the death sentence of Mansour Rasouli, another defendant in this case.
On February 6, 2023, these four prisoners, along with Mansour Rasouli, a former member of the Revolutionary Guards, were sentenced to death by Branch 3 of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia, headed by Judge "Najafzadeh", on charges of "participating in intelligence cooperation and espionage in favor of Israel".
Also, five other citizens of Urmia named "Kamran Hanareh, Fakhr al-Din Doodkanloui Milan, Ashkan Osmannejad Gondok Molla, Hassan Omarpour, and Amir Moshtagh Gangchin" were sentenced to 10 years in prison on probation and deduction of previous detention days on charges of "participating in intelligence cooperation and espionage in favor of Israel" in this case.
Vafa Hanareh, Aram Omari, Rahman Parhazoo, Nasim Namazi, Kamran Hanareh, Fakhr al-Din Doodkanloui Milan, Ashkan Osmannejad Gondok Molla, Hassan Omarpour and Amir Moshtagh Gangchin were arrested by security forces in Urmia from autumn to winter 2022 and each were subjected to severe physical and mental torture for several months in solitary confinement of the Urmia Intelligence Department and Ward 209 of Evin Prison on charges of "participating in intelligence cooperation and espionage in favor of Israel" and were transferred to Urmia Prison after the completion of interrogation stages.
Mansour Rasouli was also arrested in May 2022 after a video attributed to the "interrogation of Mossad agents" was broadcast to him.