The sentence of imprisonment and exile of Parham Parvari, one of the detainees of the revolutionary uprising of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi, was confirmed by the ninth branch of the Supreme Court

The sentence of imprisonment and exile of Parham Parvari, one of the detainees of the revolutionary uprising of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi, was confirmed by the ninth branch of the Supreme Court.
According to an informed source, the confirmation of Mr. Parvari's sentence in the Supreme Court was communicated to his lawyer in recent days.
Parham Parvari was sentenced by Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran, presided over by Judge "Amoozad", to 10 years of exile to Jask Prison in Hormozgan Province and five years of imprisonment, and this sentence was communicated to the Parvari family on June 20.
On May 28, a court session was held to hear the charges against Parham Parvari in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran, presided over by Judge "Amoozad", and he defended himself against the charges of "waging war" and "acting against national security" with the presence of his lawyer Maziar Tatayi.
On April 9, engineer Parham Parvari, a native of Saqqez, was transferred from Tehran's Great Prison to Evin Prison.
Also, on January 4, 2023, engineer Parham Parvari announced to his family in a phone call that he had been transferred from Evin Prison to Tehran's Great Prison.
On December 25, 2022, after 46 days of detention of engineer Parham Parvari, he was granted access to his appointed lawyer.
Maziar Tatayi, the lawyer, had announced to his family after seeing the case of this citizen that the charge of "waging war" in this case still exists.
After the publication of news on social networks based on the removal of the charge of "waging war" from the case of engineer Parham Parvari, an informed source in an interview with Kurdpa denied the validity of this news.
On November 8, 2022, Parham Parvari, who was arrested during the protests in Tehran, was charged with "waging war" by the Evin Prison Security Court.
Mr. Parvari was arrested by security forces on October 3, 2022, and transferred to Fashafouyeh Prison.
He was transferred to Evin Prison after a week of detention in Fashafouyeh Prison.
Parham Parvari is 25 years old and a graduate of mechanical engineering from Urmia University of Technology and Muzaffar Parvari and Sarvah Sozani, Parham's father and mother, are retired teachers from Saqqez.
Mr. Parvari was the third-place winner of the national swimming competitions and a medalist in several regional and student competitions.
Engineer Parham Parvari was working in an engineering company in Tehran.