Sanandaj; A story of firing more than 13 bullets at Fariba Menbari and the bullets that are still left in the sensitive parts of her body

Fariba Menbari, a 35-year-old citizen of Sanandaj, was shot by the suppressive government forces with pellet bullets from the "left and right legs, neck and back" during the revolutionary uprising of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi in November 2022 and still some of these bullets remain in sensitive parts of her body after a year.
Kurdpa, which exclusively covers the story of the martyrs and wounded of the Jin, Jiyan, Azadi protests in Iranian Kurdistan, this time publishes the story of shooting more than 13 pellet bullets at Fariba Menbari, a 35-year-old citizen of Sanandaj during the popular protests in this city, quoting an informed source.
The way Fariba Menbari was shot and wounded by the suppressive government forces;
Fariba Monbari was wounded by more than 13 pellet bullets by the suppressive forces in Ferdowsi Street of Sanandaj which had become one of the cities at the heart of the revolutionary uprising of Kurdistan since the beginning of November 2022.
An informed source told Kurdpa about how Fariba Menbari was wounded; It was 10 am on one of the days of November 2022. In Ferdowsi Street, the core of the protests was gradually taking shape, when the suppressive government forces attacked from Eghbal Street to Ferdowsi Street and opened direct fire with bullets at the protesters.
The suppressive government forces were six motorcyclists who fired pellet bullets at the protesters on Ferdowsi Street. Fariba Menbari was one of the wounded who was shot from the "left and right legs, neck and back" with more than 13 pellet bullets.
Concealing Fariba Menbari in a shop for 4 hours to avoid identification and arrest;
After being injured, Ms. Menbari was transferred by the people to one of the shops in the mall of that area, and by lowering the shutters of the shop, she was hidden from the identification and arrest of the suppressive forces. According to an informed source in Kurdistan, this young woman, who was injured, was transferred to a safe house after four hours of hiding and sending a message to one of her acquaintances.
Transferring Fariba Menbari amid the tear gas shots of the suppressive forces in the alleys of Sanandaj;
Kurdpa has contacted the person who helped her to obtain more information about how Fariba Menbari was transferred amid the tear gas shots of the suppressive forces in the alleys of Sanandaj, who said that she was transferred to a safe house. After Fariba asked for help, I had just returned home, but I immediately went to her without delay. In the alleys of Sanandaj, the suppressive government forces were shooting tear gas at the people, and the smoke filled all the alleys of "Farah". Also, in "Sera Namaki", the sound of tear gas shots was heard, and I was one of the people who suffered from severe tear gas effects along with Fariba. I was able to transfer Fariba to a safe house.
Also, the intensity of the smoke caused by the tear gas bullets was so high that even after transferring this 35-year-old citizen to a safe place, I suffered from severe headaches for nearly half an hour.
Removing shrapnel bullets from Fariba Menbari's body outside the hospital for fear of detention;
After transferring Fariba Menbari to a safe place, the medical staff refrains from transferring her to the hospital for fear of detention and removes some of the shrapnel bullets from her body in this safe place, but some of the bullets are still left in Fariba Menbari's body due to the sensitivity of the shooting area.
An informed source in Kurdistan says that the self-motivated medical staff removed the shrapnel from the left, right, and waist areas of this young Kurdish woman to avoid detention. However, several shrapnel pieces are still left in her body due to the sensitivity of the shooting area and have not been removed.
Fariba Menbari;
Fariba Menbari was born in 1987. She is the daughter of Hanifa and Ahmad and is from the village of "Nir" and she is housekeeper.