Marivan; breaking the symbolic images of the environmental martyrs and the logo of the Green Chia Association

22:56 - 22 October 2023

The images received by Kurdpa indicate that the glass of the symbolic images of Sharif Bajour and Omid Kohneh-Pushi, two environmental martyrs, and the logo of the Green Chiya Association on the grave of these martyrs in Marivan were broken by unknown individuals.

These actions were in continuation of the pressure on environmental activists, especially following the widespread campaign to control the fire in the forests of Marivan under the management of the Green Chiya Association in recent months, which revealed the inefficiency of the government. Also, many sources informed Kurdpa that the Revolutionary Guards had a direct role in the fire in the forests of Marivan.

The pressure on environmental activists and members of the Green Chiya Association reached a point where more than 30 of them were violently arrested on September 10, 2023, and Madah Khoshnavaz is still in detention.

On August 25, 2018, four environmental activists from Marivan named "Sharif Bajour, Omid Kohneh-Pushi, Rahmat Hakimi-Niya, and Mohammad Pajouhi" lost their lives while extinguishing the fire in the forests around "Pileh and Selsi" in this city.