Khadija Mehdipour was released from Ilam prison

16:27 - 22 October 2023

Today on October 21st, Khadijah Mahdipour, a political prisoner from the city of Ivan-Gharb, was released from Ilam Prison.

On 19 August 2023, this political prisoner, who had been sentenced to three months and one day of disciplinary confinement by Branch 103 of the Ilam Criminal Court, was transferred to Ilam Prison for the execution of the sentence.

In June 2023, Ms. Mahdipour was sentenced to three months and one day of disciplinary confinement by Branch 103 of the Ilam Criminal Court, presided over by Judge Alireza Hematizadeh, on charges of "spreading falsehoods in social media with the intention of disturbing public opinion."

This political prisoner was arrested in October 2021 and was then sentenced to twenty months of imprisonment. She was released following the issuance of an amnesty circular in February 2023.

She has had a previous history of arrest and conviction.