Continued detention and uncertainty of Amir Seyedi, a Kurdish young man from Mahabad.

16:22 - 22 October 2023

Despite the passage of two months since the arrest of Amir Seyedi, a young man from Mahabad, he still is in an uncertain situation in one of the security detention centers in Urmia.

According to a source, this Kurdish citizen is being held in the Sepah Intelligence Detention Center in Urmia and has been deprived of access to a lawyer and meeting with his family so far.

The informed source added: that Amir's family has repeatedly referred to security and judicial authorities to find out about the fate and status of their son's case, but they have not received a clear answer.

On the evening of Monday, August 21, security forces arrested this 25-year-old citizen without presenting a judicial warrant. Amir Seyedi owns a cafe in Bagh Mika'il Mahabad and has been active in cyberspace.

Security forces confiscated some of his personal belongings after arresting him and took them with them.

On August 27, Amir announced in a short phone call to his family that he had been transferred to Urmia.

So far, no accurate information has been obtained about the charges against Amir Seyedi.