Sanandaj: Kamran Sakhtmangar Sentenced to Pay a Cash Fine

22:04 - 3 October 2023

Kamran Sakhtmangar, a labor activist from Sanandaj, was sentenced by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court of this city to pay a cash fine.

This labor activist was acquitted of the charge of "gathering and collusion" and was sentenced to three months of imprisonment and a cash fine on the charge of "propaganda activities against the system through social media and interviews with television networks."

The court, based on legal provisions and the physical and medical conditions and the legal medical certificate present in Mr. Sakhtmangar's previous case, converted his three-month prison sentence into a cash fine. He was ultimately sentenced to pay a total of 34 million Rials in cash fines.

The trial for the charges against this labor activist was held on September 17th without legal representation in the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj, and the verdict was issued in person. He has the right to appeal the decision within 20 days.

Previously, this labor activist had been sentenced to five years of imprisonment on charges of "membership in Komala and propaganda activities against the system," which was later reduced to 28 months. He was released from Sanandaj Prison on March 21, 2023.