The deprivation of Siavash Hayati, the spokesman of the Consultative Assembly of Civil Activists of Yarsan and the secretary of the United Front of Kurds from a medical break

15:27 - 12 October 2023

Siavash Hayati, the spokesman of the Consultative Assembly of Civil Activists of Yarsan and the secretary of the United Front of Kurds, despite having liver, lung, and prostate disease, and high blood pressure, is still deprived of medical leave.

According to an informed source, Mr. Hayati needs urgent surgery because of an unknown liver mass, which has not been agreed to his medical leave despite many requests from him, his family, and members of the Consultative Assembly of Civil Activists of Yarsan.

This informed source said that the authorities of Kermanshah prison, the judge of the case, and the intelligence department of Kermanshah did not agree with Siavash Hayati's medical leave.

Even with the request to transfer Siavash Hayati to Qasr Shirin or Islam Abad-e Gharb prison to continue the execution of his prison sentence, it has not been agreed.

Siavash Hayati was arrested on Friday, September 23rd, 2022 in the village of "Vargameh" in Dalahu district by security forces and went on a hunger strike from the beginning of his arrest.

He was transferred from the intelligence department of Kermanshah to Diesel Abad prison on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022, and was released on bail on Sunday, October 8th, 2022.

Siavash Hayati was sentenced by Branch 5 of the Revolutionary Court of Kermanshah based in Islam Abad-e Gharb to one-year imprisonment for "propaganda activities against the system through interviews with television and media outlets and also talking about the killed in recent riots and calling the Islamic Republic of Iran a tyrant" based on Article 500 of the Islamic Penal Code.

Another charge against Mr. Hayati was "inciting people to slaughter and war to disrupt the country's security", which was acquitted by the court due to lack of evidentiary evidence for convincing conscience and also considering the principle of innocence based on Article 37 of the Constitution and Article 4 of The Criminal Procedure Code has ruled his acquittal from the attributed charge.

Also, Branch One Prosecutor's Office of Public and Revolutionary Court of Sahneh City referred to charges against him for "gathering and colluding to disrupt internal security and propaganda activities against Islamic Republic Iran" for referral to Public and Revolutionary Court Tehran.

On November 30th, 2022, Siavash Hayati and his companions who had gone to Sahneh City from Kermanshah to visit some released detainees from the November 18th ceremony were arrested on their way back to Kermanshah at Bistoon highway without presenting a judicial decision along with beating by security forces.

On Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023, the spokesman for Consultative Assembly Civil Activists Yarsan and secretary of United Front Kurds after 33 days detention released on bail from Diesel Abad prison Kermanshah.

on March 2023, Branch One Prosecutor's Office Public and Revolutionary Court of Sahneh City summoned him for the charge of "gathering and colluding to commit a crime against internal security".

On Sunday, May 13th, Siavash Hayati was transferred to Diesel Abad prison in Kermanshah after being summoned to the first branch of the criminal enforcement court of the public and revolutionary court of Islam Abad Gharb for executing his prison sentence.