Verbal expulsion of Matin Faramarzpour, senior student of Western philosophy at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

23:55 - 9 October 2023

The decision to expel Matin Faramarzpour, a senior student of Western philosophy at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, was verbally relayed to him.

 This Kurdish student from Mahabad was sentenced to two semesters of temporary suspension from study by the Disciplinary Appeals Council in November 2022 and has been deprived of education for the last two semesters.

 The student union councils have announced the verbal dismissal order of Matin Faramarzpour: "This student, after he couldn't access his educational portal, found out that a new case had been filed against him.

 Then by referring to the disciplinary committee, a meeting was held for him on October 2nd. During the meeting, they tried to put pressure on him to confess the charges against himself. After his refusal, the expulsion order was verbally relayed to him at noon of the same day."