Mahabad; Detention of Amanj Khaste by Security Forces

18:23 - 30 August 2023

In the early morning of Wednesday, August 16th, a Kurdish citizen named "Amanj Khaste," son of Ahmad and resident of Gug Tappeh in Mahabad, was arrested by security forces and taken to an undisclosed location.

According to an informed source, security forces have arrested this citizen at his personal residence without presenting any judicial warrant.

As of the time of publishing this news, there is no information available regarding the reason for the arrest, the charges brought against Amanj Khaste, and his current situation.

In this regard, on the early morning of Wednesday, August 16th, three Kurdish citizens named "Shirko Nasiri," "Hedayat Khaste," son of Ali, and "Ashkan Rasouli," son of Ali, from Gug Tappeh in Mahabad, were also detained by security forces and taken to an undisclosed location.