Farhad Navai, a 16-year-old from Mahabad, has been sentenced to two years in prison

01:12 - 13 July 2023

Farhad Navai, a 16-year-old boy from the village of "Tarshekan" in the outskirts of Mahabad, has been sentenced to two years in prison by a specialized juvenile criminal court located in Mahabad. He was charged with "gathering and conspiring to commit crimes against the internal security of the country." The sentence includes the time served during previous detention.

According to an informed source from Kurdpa, this verdict was communicated to Farhad Navai's family after they visited the court on Saturday, July 8th. The issued verdict has also been delivered to Farhad Navai in Urmia Correction and Rehabilitation Center.

The source stated that during his detention and court hearings, Farhad Navai was deprived of his right to access a lawyer. Additionally, the court had set a bail of 5 billion Tomans for his temporary release, which the family was unable to provide.

"Mizan" news agency, affiliated with the judiciary, also reported on Farhad Navai, stating, "The specialized juvenile criminal court of the province, located in Mahabad, examined the case of the defendant and, based on the available documents regarding the charge of enmity, issued an acquittal. However, considering the evidence and contents of the case, the conducted investigations, statements and confessions of the defendant, in accordance with the law on reduction of custodial sentences and legal reductions, the court sentenced him to two years of correctional imprisonment in Urmia Correction and Rehabilitation Center, taking into account the days he had already spent in detention, for the charge of gathering and conspiring to commit crimes against the internal security of the country."

Farhad Navai was arrested on November 18, 2022 on charges of participating in protests for women, life, and freedom, by the security forces.