Hasan Amini, brother of Mohammad Amini, one of the victims of the revolutionary uprising for women, life, freedom, has been sentenced to imprisonment and flogging

13:12 - 7 July 2023

Hasan Amini, the brother of Mohammad Amini, one of the victims of the revolutionary uprising for women, life, freedom, has been sentenced to six and a half months of imprisonment and 40 lashes by Branch 101 of the Criminal Court II of Bokan.

According to an informed source, Mr. Amini has been accused of "disrupting public order" by the court, and this verdict has been delivered to him on Wednesday, July 5th.

On the evening of June 9, 2023, Hasan Amini was arrested by security forces along with families of the victims from Sanandaj, Dehgolan, and Divandareh after the conclusion of the commemoration ceremonies for the fallen in the revolutionary uprising for woman,  life, freedom in Aichi graveyard in Saqqez, graveyard in Bokan. The arrests occurred at the entrance of the city of Saqqez by security forces.

During his detention, he was deprived of access to a designated lawyer, and on June 16th, he was temporarily released from Bokan prison upon depositing a bail of 100 million tomans.

On October 8, 2022, Mohammad Amini, the son of Gol Mohammad from the "Taghtaghan" neighborhood in Sanandaj, was shot and killed during the protests of women, life, freedom.