Two Kurdish citizens were sentenced to seven years and two months of imprisonment

16:24 - 22 June 2023

Two Kurdish citizens named "Mohammad Ismaili" and "Ismail Mahmoudpour" from Piranshahr have been collectively sentenced to seven years and two months of imprisonment by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in Mahabad, under the presidency of Judge "Amir Ojaghloo."

The court has accused these two citizens of "engaging in activities against national security through membership in one of the Kurdish opposition parties in Iran." According to the issued verdict, Mohammad Ismaili has been sentenced to two years and eight months of imprisonment, while Ismail Mahmoudpour has been sentenced to four years and six months of imprisonment.

This verdict was officially communicated to these two Kurdish citizens on Thursday, June 15th.

Mohammad Ismaili was arrested in October 2022 without a judicial warrant by the security forces and was transferred to one of the security detention centers in Urmia for interrogation.

Mr. Ismaili was transferred to Naghadeh Prison after completing the interrogation process and was temporarily released in December 2022 upon the deposit of bail.

Ismail Mahmoudpour was arrested in November 2022 without a judicial warrant by the security forces and was transferred to one of the security detention centers in Urmia for interrogation.

Mr. Mahmoudpour was transferred to Naghadeh Prison after completing the interrogation process and was temporarily released in December 2022 upon the deposit of bail.

From right to left in the photo: Ismail Mahmoudpour and Mohammad Ismaili