Mahabad; Arrest of Seyyed Kamal Ahmadpour's Brother by Security Forces, a Victim of the Revolutionary Uprising

16:18 - 22 June 2023

On Sunday, June 18th, a Kurdish citizen named "Seyyed Abdullah Ahmadpour," 45 years old and son of Seyyed Taher from Mahabad, was arrested by security forces and transferred to an unknown location.

According to an informed source, this citizen was arrested at his workplace on Manba Street without presenting a judicial order by security forces.

On Saturday, November 18, 2022, Seyyed Kamal (Khalegh) Ahmadpour - the brother of Seyyed Abdullah - lost his life during the revolutionary uprising for women, life, freedom in Mahabad due to being shot by oppressive forces.

As of now it is not clear what led to the arrest or what charges have been brought against this citizen.