A Kurdish cleric was arrested after being summoned to Piranshahr Intelligence Bureau

10:12 - 7 February 2023

On Tuesday, January 31st, Mullah Ebrahim Salimi, the imam of "Chahar Yar Nabi" mosque in Piranshahr, was arrested after being summoned to the intelligence office of this city.

 According to an informed source, there is no information about the fate of this Kurdish cleric after his arrest.

 This informed source added: Mullah Ebrahim Salimi was summoned and arrested for supporting popular protests.

 In this regard, on Monday, January 30th, Mullah Luqman Amini, the imam of Chahar Yar Nabi Jame Mosque in Sanandaj and mullah Ebrahim Karimi Nanaleh, the imam of the Mosque in Nanaleh village of Sanandaj were arrested by the security forces.